What is another word for running up a tab
What is another word for running up a tab

what is another word for running up a tab

The most important step in the mail merge process is to set up and prepare your data. If you have a different version of Word, there may be some slight differences however, the same basic program flow should apply. NOTE: The examples shown below contain sample screen shots from Microsoft Word 2016.

what is another word for running up a tab

There are three documents involved in the mail merge process: The bride's father paid the tab for the party.Performing a Mail Merge is a great way to generate personalized letters or emails.Since insurers pick up about 55 percent of the tab, the premiums they charge drivers are steep, and getting steeper.Our tab for the meal came to just $48.

what is another word for running up a tab

He ordered dinner and asked for it to be put on his tab.In just two days, she'd run up a bar tab of $175.► see thesaurus at bill 3 → pick up the tab 4 to open a) especially American English DFD T a small piece of metal that you pull to open a can of drink SYN ring pull British English b) a small piece of metal, plastic, or paper that you pull to open something 5 small piece of paper/plastic etc D a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic etc that sticks out from the edge of something, so that you can find it more easily an index tab labeled ‘Expenses’ 6 ( also license tab ) a small piece of sticky plastic with a date on it that you put on your car’s license plate in the US to show that the car is legally allowed on the road 7 → keep (close) tabs on somebody/something 8 drug informal MDD a form of the illegal drug LSD or ecstasy a tab of acid 9 cigarette British English informal DFT a cigarette 10 Internet one of a number of web page s you have open at the same time Do you want to close all tabs or the current tab? Examples from the Corpus tab He ran up a $4,000 tab in long-distance calls. I’ll put it on your tab and you can pay tomorrow.

what is another word for running up a tab

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English tab tab 1 / tæb / noun 1 in typing a) TC a tab key b) a set position in a line of writing that you get to by pressing the tab key 2 money that you owe PAY FOR an amount of money that you owe, or a record of an amount of money that you owe The tab for the campaign was nearly $500 million.

What is another word for running up a tab